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Building Your Website – Domains and Hosting

When it comes to starting your work at home business, creating your very own website and choosing domains and hosting can be quite intimidating – especially if you aren’t familiar with the technical side of things. While there are many terrific options out there for new or inexperienced business owners, getting started can pose a challenge for the newbie.

Here are the steps you need to take to make your home in cyberspace comfortable and cozy. Start by purchasing your very own domain name, yourbusinessname.com. With so many websites offering “free” domain names, this may sound like a needless expense at first.

But many of these sites are really only offering you a subdomain, as in mybusinesssite.whatever.com. Not only is that difficult for consumers to remember, but if your customers mistype your site address, they could land on a site that’s offensive or contains a virus, costing you valuable clients.

Why You Need Your Own Domain Name

Having your own domain name immediately gives your site credibility in the eyes of your visitors. And another warning, avoid free hosting. When you use free hosting (examples: blogger.com, wordpress.com, webs.com, etc.) your site is bound by another company’s terms of service.

Here is an example of how that could hurt your business. Suppose you’re running a health and beauty business and your website is being freely hosted. Now let’s imagine this free hosting provider suddenly has an influx of spammers taking over the health and beauty category.

Suddenly, your top notch website is mistakenly labeled spam and you log on one day to find it has disappeared and been deleted without warning. Your existing customers now have no idea where to find you online which means you’re losing out on potential customers and sales.

If you can afford it, pay for hosting. You’ll sleep better at night knowing that you won’t wake up tomorrow to find the website you worked so diligently on has been suddenly deleted.

Once you have a domain and hosting, how can you build a professional looking site with correct search engine optimization that attracts thousands of visitors each day?

Building Your First Website

Website builders now have access to great open source software for building websites. Some suggested open source software is WordPress, Joomla and others. All are great options to use for your website.

In my experience, WordPress is by far the easiest of these to use. You can create pages and posts as easily as using a word processor.

Our own solution, HomeFreeHost, can set you up with your very own domain name, install a WordPress site for you, and provide great rates for hosting as well.

You can use the contact form at the site to let HomeFreeHost know just what you need, and have a custom site built with your very own domain name. HomeFreeHost will get your domain for you and one full year of hosting is included in the basic plan.

It’s a great deal, and you have the support you need getting started.

Our own solution, HomeFreeHost, can set you up with your very own domain name, install a WordPress site for you, and provide great rates for hosting as well.