Home Office

Finding Time to Work from Home

Have you ever said, “If only I had more time then I could start my own business”? The solution is not getting more time – we all have the same amount. The key is managing the time we do have to make it work more effectively.

Even if you think you don’t have time to take on anything else, you might be surprised to discover how much time you really are wasting during the day.

If you can harness your wasted time, then you will realize that you can start working from home whether you hold down a full time job or not.

Sometimes when it comes to being self-employed, many people have the idea that it’s all or nothing – that in order to be their own boss, they have to go all the way, quit their day job and put all of their effort into their own business.

This isn’t necessarily true. You can get up an hour earlier in the mornings to work on your business.

You can spend your lunch hour working on your business. If you work online, you can access your work anywhere. If you commute to work via train or other method where someone else is in charge of driving, you can work on it then, too.

You can also temporarily give up the hours you used to spend sitting in front of the television. You can give up an hour of sleep at night to work on your business or decide to work two weekends a month.

If you have a day job that pays the bills and provides you with health benefits, keep the job while you work on launching and growing your business part time.

With good time management, you can work around your day job. By sticking to your plan, you can steadily increase your income until you can comfortably afford to let go of the job you now have.

If you can harness your wasted time, then you will realize that you can start working from home whether you hold down a full time job or not.

It’s not so much about finding the time as it is taking the time. If you’ve always wanted to start your own business, there’s no better time than this moment.