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How to Develop a Success Mindset

The truth is, the more focused you are on success the more likely you are to experience it. You’ve probably heard of “The Secret” where they espouse the idea that putting out positive thoughts into the universe will result in you getting what you want. While it’s not really that simple, knowing how to develop a success mindset will help you achieve more success. But, if you’re not naturally predispositioned to think in terms of success, how can you retrain your thinking?

Developing a success mindset starts with developing three important aspects of yourself: the mind, body and spirit. If you can focus on all three of these, having a success-focused mindset will become second nature.


Your mind is the part of you that makes you who you are. It enables you to reason and perceive the world around you. Your mind is the part of you that feels emotions, and is able to judge right from wrong. By taking care of your mind, you’ll be able to think more positively and focus on success.


Your body is important because while your mind controls your body, if your body is not healthy no amount of mind control is going to help. Keeping your body healthy by moving around every day, eating right, along with getting regular check-ups, will help you keep your body healthy as well as allow your mind to focus on success.


While often a touchy subject, the spirit is what you make of it. Perhaps you are religious, perhaps not. But think of your spirit as the part of you that either feels at peace or does not feel at peace. If your spirit is distracted it shows up in your mind as bad thoughts – intrusive feelings that keep you from staying positively focused on a success-focused mindset.

The trick to developing a success-focused mindset is to experience success. Start trying new things that help you feel successful.


The ability to look honestly at any situation and evaluate it without emotion is an essential part of turning your mind around to successful thoughts instead of thoughts of failure. For instance, don’t automatically assume the worst if someone doesn’t return your phone call. There may be many reasons, including not even getting your message to start with. Assume a real reason before falling into negativity in any situation.


Many times when put under pressure we tend to have some go-to attitudes and emotions that we feel. Some of us automatically give up. If you’re one of those, tell yourself you’ll give something a particular number of tries before giving up. Adversity is a predictable part of life. It is normal and even necessary to experience some kind of failure on the road to success.

Make Lists

Try keeping a daily schedule for work, with to-do items listed in order of priority. As you check them off, you feel successful. The ones you don’t check off move to the next day and become priorities for that day. As you get used to feeling as if you’re accomplishing something each day, you’ll feel more successful and therefore automatically develop a more success-focused mindset.

Finally, it is important when trying to become success focused to maintain your focus on positive affirmations and thoughts. Turn each negative thought into a positive, flip it around in your mind, and move forward. Sometimes you only need a little modification in something to turn a sure failure into an outright success.

How to Develop a Success Mindset