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How to Make Your PLR Content Unique

Private label rights content is content you purchase to use for your business. It’s often much cheaper than hiring a ghostwriter and it’s faster than creating the content yourself.

One of the drawbacks of PLR is that anybody can purchase it. But this doesn’t have to be a big deal for you. Instead, just take the PLR you’ve bought and customize it for your business by following these tips:

Change the Titles

The very first thing you want to do when using PLR is to change the title. When you search on Google, you can find millions of articles titled How to Choose the Right Lipstick Color or a subtle variation like Choosing the Right Lipstick for Your Skin Tone.

Now Allure magazine could have used that same tired title. But instead they opted to use the headline, The 10 Commandments of Lipstick. This title leaves readers curious. It makes them wonder if they know all ten of these lipstick rules, which causes them to clickthrough to the website.

Rewrite When Necessary

If you’re publishing the PLR content to your blog and you want to get organic search traffic, rewriting is a must. That’s because search engines love original content that’s entertaining and informative. In this case, think of the PLR you buy as a starting off point and make it your own.

But when you’re using PLR in other cases, you don’t have to rewrite every word of the content you purchased. If you’re using PLR in your autoresponder or as an opt-in report, just lightly edit it with references to your target market.

You’ll also want to add in your own opinions and stories to make the content unique to your community. Doing this establishes you as a thought leader in your niche.

Add a Call to Action

PLR content will often lack a call to action at the end. That’s because the PLR seller doesn’t know exactly what you’re focused on in your business right now. So it’s your job to add CTAs to the content you’ve purchased.

Think about where your readers are in terms of your funnel. If this is content that’s on your blog, then you want to include a call to action that invites visitors to become subscribers. If it’s a free report that you’re giving to subscribers, your call to action might be recommending they buy a product or service from you. Regardless of what PLR you use, always add a CTA to encourage your community to go deeper in your funnel.

Making your PLR content unique is important but it doesn’t have to be time-consuming. You only need to spend 15-20 minutes editing the content before you share it with your community.

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Surprising Facts About PLR

Fun Ways to Use PLR

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