pricing your products PLR article pack
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Pricing Your Products PLR Article Pack

These are the topics covered in the Pricing Your Products PLR Article Pack:

  • Cost-Based Pricing versus Value-Based Pricing (519 words)
  • Digital Product Pricing Strategies for More Sales (513 words)
  • Finding Your Unique Selling Position (504 words)
  • Freebies – When to Offer Them and When Not (515 words)
  • Mistakes to Avoid When Pricing Your Digital Product (499 words)
  • Pricing Strategy Differences between Digital and Physical Product (534 words)
  • Psychological Pricing Tips (514 words)
  • Tiered Pricing – When to Do It and How (513 words)
  • Upselling and Cross-Selling Tips (494 words)
  • What You Can Learn from Your Competition (512 words)

Includes 10 Done-for-You Articles, Compilation eBook, 10 Article PDF’s, 10 Tweets, and 20 Promotional Images for your website or social media.

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