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Running a Membership Site from Home

It seems that more and more online marketers are running websites as membership sites. In this article we will take a look at the reasons for this and you can then decide if you should proceed in the same way.

If you research top internet marketers, you will notice that they offer membership sites for their clients.

They tend to run coaching type sites were members can get more personalized feedback and attention for their money.

Many marketers will set up a free membership site where they offer advice and instructional material. Then during the course of the membership there will be an offer to upgrade for coaching, access to products etc. This is a great way to offer value, allows people to get to know, like, and trust you. Then when an offer is made they are more willing to accept it.

It is easier than you think!

There are other reasons why running a membership site is something for you to consider. First, most membership sites are easy to set up, and it is even possible to set them up for free.

You can use WordPress to set up your site. The great thing is they have free membership type themes that you can choose from. Plus, you have the option of using plugins which set up your membership options and pages for you. What could be simpler than that? Plus once your site is set up it is fairly easy to maintain.

Offering a membership site is a fantastic way to add value or add a service to something which you already own. For example you may offer a writing service. By offering a membership you can teach members how to sell their content, how and where to find images for covers. Plus you can teach them how to market their work effectively.

Turn your passion into cash!

The ideas for membership sites are almost unlimited. If you have a hobby that you enjoy, you can use your knowledge and turn it into a membership site. What a great way to earn recurring income month after month!

The great thing is that you can write about the things you love and earn money doing it!

You can answer questions and offer advice and more. This is the perfect way to build trust and a good relationship with your members.

If you haven’t yet added a membership site to your work-at-home arsenal, maybe now is the time to start one?

HomeFreeHost is offering a free downloadable guide to membership sites. Check it out and turn your passion into ongoing income!