• Home Garden

    Choosing the Right Type of Gardening for You

    If you are just thinking about getting into gardening you have a lot of options. Choosing the right type of gardening for you and your needs can make all the difference. Obviously, if you don’t have a yard, you are limited to container gardening. But even if you do have a yard, there are still reasons why container gardening might be the best fit for you. If you are planting a conventional backyard garden, consider that how you arrange your plants can influence the productivity of your plot. Maybe raised bed gardening is something you should think about. My special report, Choosing the Right Type of Gardening for You, is…

  • Home Garden,  Inspirational

    Urban Homesteading

    Urban homesteading is built around the idea of becoming more self-sufficient in whatever way you can. Here are some of the ideas that can be included in the concept of urban homesteading: Raising Animals for Meat Raising animals allows you to produce your own food, support the environment and more. Animal rearing can range from something as small as raising a couple of backyard chickens or rabbits to something as large as raising livestock. Obviously, the bigger the animal, the more room you will need. But even in a small city yard, there is usually enough room for a few chickens. Gardening Like raising animals, gardening allows you to produce…