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Tracking Your Niche Marketing Success

There is a lot more to tracking your niche marketing success than tracking your net income. In fact, it’s imperative if your want to improve your income that you track metrics outside of income. It’s the one way that you have to improve your marketing efforts exponentially. If you know where you are, you can figure out ways to get where you want to go.

Set up a system that enables you to track various metrics. It will work better if you have a good schedule. Calendar it in, because if you don’t schedule in the paperwork it won’t get done. If this seems hard, consider whether or not it’s so much easier to just keep shooting in the dark, wasting time, and waiting for money to come into your PayPal account randomly, or if you want to build a real business that endures over time.

If you want to build a real business, you need to track metrics, and then adjust according to the results. Your best bet is to use a spreadsheet of some kind to input results that you track on a weekly basis, so that you can spot trends in what’s working or not working over time. It will help you do better in all your niche marketing. You’ll be able to do more of what’s working, less of what’s not, and troubleshoot and find solutions to issues.

* Traffic Acquisition – Knowing when and from where you are getting traffic to all of your online real estate, and even direct contact such as phone calls, is an important part of tracking your niche marketing success. How many new people are you getting each week, how many are returning and why?

* Email List Sign-Ups – You should look at why people sign up for your various email lists so that you can do more of what works to get more sign-ups. How many new sign-ups are you getting each week from each possible place?

* Email List Engagement – While getting email lists sign-ups is important, what’s more important is whether or not those who sign up actually engage with you, answer your CTAs and buy from you.

* Social Media Connections – How many new social media connections are you acquiring each week from each place where you are active? If you’re not going to track one place, and stay active on it, don’t bother to set up the account.

* Social Media Engagement – You can have a million followers on social media but if there is no engagement, what worth is it? Interacting with your social media followers is an important part of making social media work. What percentage of your followers and connections are engaging?

* Article/Guest Blog Post Submissions – Track where you put guest blog posts and guest articles, as well as the response you get from them. It’s the only way that you can determine if your efforts are working.

* Blog Traffic – How is your blog traffic? Is it going up each week? What type of blog posts seem to work best to bring in traffic?

* Blog Engagement – What percentage of your blog traffic comments on your blog posts or answers the call to action that you included?

* Webinars and Teleseminars – If you choose to have webinars or teleseminars, it’s imperative that you track many elements such as where your audience came from, whether they attend after signing up, and if they answer your CTA.

* Keyword Results – Which keywords are drawing the most traffic that converts to a sale or an action on the part of the visitor?

* CTA Conversion Rate – Every piece of content that you send out, whether it’s on social media, a blog post, a guest article or an email, you need to have a call to action of some kind. It doesn’t always need to be “buy me” but whatever it is, you should track it.

Tracking all these metrics will help you increase your niche marketing success in a big way. The information that you collect can be used to improve each effort. It might even be used to discontinue something you’re doing that’s not working. Use systems like Google Analytics, and the metrics that social media networks and email autoresponders offer within their system, to track your metrics.