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Using Edible Perennials for Landscaping

Planting edible perennials as part of your landscape is a great idea, because it enables you to make maximum use of your space.

Instead of damaging your landscaping by tearing up your lawn to plant a traditional garden, you can simply work your food plants into the existing plan for your yard.

There is a wide variety of perennial vegetables and herbs that can be used as part of your landscape, and edibles can be just as beautiful as traditional landscape plants. Perennial vegetables are a real time saver, because you don’t have to replant them each year.

A lot of vegetables are quite attractive, and can be lovely in landscapes. Perennial varieties of chard, beans, and broccoli are all great for landscapes. Asparagus, sorrel, fennel, ginger, artichokes, Jerusalem artichokes, chicory, sweet potatoes, rhubarb, rocket, and sorrel are all great choices.

Just plant them once, and with a small amount of ongoing maintenance, you can have beautiful edible landscaping and fresh food every year.

Plan Your Garden Carefully

Perennials need to be planted in good conditions right from the start.

If you plant annuals in poor soil or a bad location, you’ve only lost a single year. But if you plant perennials improperly, you’ve wasted a plant that could have grown for many years.

Check the required growing conditions for the variety before you plant it. Be sure to choose a spot that has the required amount of sunlight for each plant. Remember to take into account the potential growth of any other nearby plants! If you plant something in a sunny location, it might be shady in a year or two if surrounding plants grow larger.

Prepare your soil before planting. It’s much easier to modify the soil before planting than it is to make corrections later. Be sure the soil has the proper pH levels and nutrient levels, and make certain your soil will support the correct moisture level for the plants. You’ll need to be certain to have the right balance, because different plant varieties require different types of soil.

Perennial Herbs

Another thing to keep in mind is your zone. Some perennial plants won’t be very tolerant of extreme heat or frosts, so care in this matter is essential. The point of planting perennials is to have plants that return each year. If they die completely in the winter, they won’t return in the spring, so be sure you get your zone correct.

There are many perennial herbs that make a great addition to an edible landscape. Many types of mint are perennial in a lot of zones. They have beautiful foliage, and some of them have very pretty blossoms.

Other perennial herbs that are ideal for landscaping include French tarragon, lavender, chives, Greek oregano, English Thyme, garlic chives, lemon balm, and sage.

Fruit Trees

You can also use other edible plants for your landscaping. Fruit trees are an obvious choice. Many fruit trees have absolutely stunning blooms.

Cherry trees, apple trees, and plum trees all have lovely blooms that will make a great addition to your landscape. The fruits they bear can also add an amazing color and style to your yard. Having bright red cherries and golden apples can really enhance a landscape.

When you are thinking about what you could plant in your garden this year, think outside the box. Consider adding edible perennials for landscaping that will yield a harvest of food and look great too!