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HomeFreeMedia Magazine

August 2019 – HomeFreeMedia Magazine

Your Inspirational Graphics Pack

September 2019 – Great Outdoors 50 Pack – Inspirational Graphics

August 2019 – Believe 50 Pack – Inspirational Graphics

Your PLR SuperPack

September 2019 – Cycling PLR SuperPack

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August 2019 – Confidence PLR SuperPack

Sign up here to receive your commission on the eBook:

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What’s so super about the SuperPack?

Your SuperPack contains a folder of text files with pre-formatted code to copy and paste into your WordPress blog. I’ve made it super easy for you to get your PLR up and running and earning you money!

Copy your Pre-Formatted WordPress code and paste it into your WordPress editing window in “Text” mode. There are headings and paragraphs, the matching video, a separate image to upload as Featured Image and a second image to encourage Social Media interaction.

You will see all the HTML code for the post. If this is your first time working with code, don’t be intimidated! You can do this!

If you want to sell the eBook for $7, you will need to become an affiliate. Sign up here:

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When you post your pre-formatted WordPress articles, replace XXXXXX with your affiliate ID. You will receive an instant payment for $7 – minus 10% for my Paypal fees* – in your Paypal account whenever you make a sale. Every article automatically becomes an opportunity to provide your readers with an eBook on the topic they’re reading about.

Read the article How to Use Pre-Formatted WordPress Posts for more information.

Bonus Content

Determination 50 Pack – Inspirational Graphics

Vitamin ABCs PLR SuperPack

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*Paypal takes $0.30 per sale plus 2.9% for processing the payments.