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Inspiration and Tips for Your Online Business

***My apologies, but Wednesday Wisdom has been temporarily suspended.***

Need a little help with your business? Could you use some midweek motivation?

Join me and my expert friends every Wednesday at 4:00 PM Eastern Time for a bright spot of encouragement in the middle of your week!

We’ll meet on Zoom for 30 minutes of inspiration, training, and a bit of Q&A to help you stay informed and motivated to power through and build toward the life of your dreams.

You’ll receive a reminder email the day before and a second reminder the day of the meeting, about an hour before start time, with your access link.

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Fine Print

Access is 100% free. You will, however, be taken through my shopping cart to complete your sign up. You only need to sign up once to get weekly access. Your sign up activates the reminder emails mentioned above.

Why am I doing it this way? And how can YOU benefit?

When you use your affiliate link to recommend Wednesday Wisdom, anyone who signs up gets linked to you in my shopping cart software. Then when they make purchases from my shop, you get a commission!

Your Custom Invitation Link

Sound good? If you know your username, swap it out for XXXX and you’re ready to invite your friends to Wednesday Wisdom with this link:


Or… get your link in your member area here and start promoting.

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